Best Harley Seat for Tall Riders – [Tested & Proven Models]

Long rides are never easy without a super cool, comfortable seat. Especially for tall riders, the standard stock seat measures trouble all the way. To make the tall riders enjoy the ride, there are some specially designed Harley seats available in the market.

Picking one among the bulk is quite confusing. To make your shopping easy, we have made a list of the best Harley seats for tall riders, led by Mustang Super Deluxe and Le Pera Maverick, to make the journey hassle-free with a little groundwork. Without further ado, let’s continue reading the list!

Best for Touring – Mustang Super Deluxe

Best for All Glides (Street, Road, Electra) – Le Pera Maverick

Best for Sportster – Mustang Fastback

Best for Softail – Mustang Tripper Fastback

Best for Dyna – Saddleman Step-Up

Best Solo – Mustang Wide Tripper

Best for CVO & Glides – TCMT One Piece

Most Stylish – XMFT King

Best Harley Seat for Tall Riders

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1. Mustang 79538 Super – Best Harley Touring Seat for Tall Riders

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Mustang motorcycles seat lists at the top for most of the Harley models. The design and the cushioning are well made to add comfort for tall riders. It serves as the best Harley Touring seat for long rides. The 79538 Super Touring seat is one-piece with the blend of the rider and passenger seat. Wide seat design and 1.75 inches further back make the rider journey smooth and safe. 

What we mostly like?

The outstanding design makes the riders fall in love with the model. Once installed in a proper position, you will never leave the bike until you reach the destination.

What are the downsides?

The touring seat looks great on your motorcycles. Most customers loved the model, but the seat is a little pricey compared to other models. 

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2. Le Pera Maverick – Most Comfortable Harley Seat for Tall Guys

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Le Pera is another premium brand in the market that comes with unique designs to match customer needs. The Maverick model from Le Pera adds extra room to move back and makes the tall riders extremely comfortable. One-piece Maverick is made of premium quality vinyl to make the construction last for years. Unlike the normal stock seats, it is a bit wide to add 2-inch extra room for legs.

What we mostly like?

The steel base plate allows the riders to settle down in good posture. Dimensions of the seat are impressive to match the rider specifications exactly.

What are the downsides?

The seat adds a custom look to your bike, and everyone loved the color and features. There are no significant downsides to this beautiful piece.

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3. XFMT SC52005 Deluxe – Best Looking Harley Seat for Tall Riders

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Here comes the XFMT most stylish Harley seat for tall riders. The black and blue model of this brand adds great comfort and looks to your touring bikes. Premium microfiber construction of the one-piece smoothens your journey. The 15.4-inch rear width and the 16.5-inch front width are quite large and definitely fits all the tall guys. 

What we mostly like?

The design is astonishing, and everyone loved the durability of the premium microfiber. Additional dimensions keep the rider and passenger in a high comfort zone.

What are the downsides?

Most customers are satisfied with the product, but few people are disappointed with the poor quality. 

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4. Mustang 76694 Wide Tripper – Best Solo Harley Seat for Tall Riders

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Mustang 76694 wide tripper solo motorcycle seat adds elegance to your super cool Harley model. Diamond stitching and shiny black color are the two most admiring features that every rider falls in love with. The seat cover is made of premium quality durable synthetic glove-leather to stand all the pressures. Overall seat is a bit wide at the hip area to make the tall riders comfortable during the long travels.

What we mostly like?

The diamond stitching on the leather cover adds a stylish look to your vehicle. Extra-wide dimensions make the seat compatible with most of the Harley motorcycle models. 

Few customers are disappointed with the leather’s poor quality as it lost the cushioning comfort after traveling for hours. 

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5. Mustang 76157 – Best Sportster Seat for Tall Riders

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Mustang 76157 touring seat comes with the standard stock modified design. The seat has a wider driver bucket to enhance the comfort of the tall rider. Thus best suitable for the Sportster Harley model. It is basically a solo motorcycle seat with a raised back to give rider back support. The design is simple and makes the tall riders comfortable throughout the journey.

What we mostly like?

Whole-body is made of durable leather to resist all the elements. The solo design is easy to mount on your motorcycles with the purchasing of professionals. 

What are the downsides?

The quality and construction are excellent. Most of the customers appreciated the design and are comfortable with the model. There are no negative sides to this ergonomic seat design.

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6. Danny Gray 21-403 – Best Street Glide Seat for Tall Riders

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Last but not least, here comes the Danny Gray solo seat to add comfort to the street glide Harley motorcycle riders, particularly the long riders. It is well-engineered and made of premium quality leather to fit the rider’s body’s counters. The solo seat adds a true feel to the custom look, and the durable material makes it last for years. 

What we mostly like?

The ergonomic design and carved leg passage allow the rider to be comfortable on the whole journey. An all-leather cover warps the entire body and brings a shiny look to the touring seat. 

What are the downsides?

The seat looks great on the Harley models, but the disappointing thing is it is slightly sliding, and you have to adjust it yourself all the way or often.

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How Tall is Tall?

We often get confused about the question of how tall is tall? Usually, the riders who are 5.8feet and above are considered to be tall. Unlike short people, tall riders are not comfortable with the standard stock designed seat. The width should be a bit large to have extra room for the legs and back. The above listed touring seats fit perfectly for tall riders and add an extra 1.5 -2 inch wide at the back to rest the posture in the trip. 

Importance of Right Size & Height in a Harley Seat

The right size and height in a Harley seat are extremely important to reduce fatigue and saddle sores. An exact sized seat can correct your posture and keep your comfortable throughout your trip and make your journey hassle-free. The Harley touring seats are one such model with dedicated designs towards the riders’ comfort and match the limitations.

Best Brands for Tall Riders’ Harley Seat

The above branded touring seats stand on the top for tall riders. However, choosing the best one from the list is difficult. Based on your requirement and height, pick the of your choice to match your Harley motorcycle model. 

Buying Guide – Getting Your Desired Harley Davidson Seat

There are many Harley Davidson seats available in solo or passenger models. Before buying the best one, get the knowledge of seat height, seat position, seat padding/cover, baseplates construction, and backrest dimensions. Also, make sure that your riding position and legroom are comfortable throughout your trip. Another important thing is every penny you invest in is very valuable. So, look for a high-quality budget-friendly touring seat to worth your penny and match your height. 

Concluding Remarks

All the above models are the best Harley seat for tall riders. Choose the best one that exactly fits your Harley model based on your requirement. Grab the opportunity and invest in a high-quality touring seat. We hope the article eases the process of your shopping.

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