How to Measure your Head for a Motorcycle Helmet

A motorcycle helmet primary purpose is to keep your head safe for when of an accident. To lessen injuries or better protect the head, you need to choose a helmet that fits your head well. The reason is that if you wear an ill-fitting helmet, you may not get the right protection. With that in mind, before buying a helmet, you first need to know the exact head measurement. Once you know the size of your head, it will be easier to buy a well-fitting helmet. The following motorcycle helmet fit guide offers some tips on how to measure your head for a motorcycle helmet

What you need

Before anything else, you need to get a tape measure to measure your head’s circumference. That is why you need to make sure that you get a flexible measuring tape. Such a tape can wrap around your head and offer the exact measurement.

Taking the measurement

After getting the right measuring tape, wrap it around the head, making sure that the tape is flat and does not fold along the way. Make sure you have the two loose ends between the fingertips. Pull the ends to tighten them until they meet and cross along your eyebrows. With the right measurements, you will get the right motorcycle helmet for your head. The only thing you need to do is to make sure you take the correct ones. When considering the measurements, there should be no errors.

Determine your head shape

Another thing to consider is your head shape. You may have a circular head, oval, or egg-shaped head. It is good to know that the shape of your head is very crucial when it comes to making the decision. The good thing about helmets is that most manufacturers understand the varying head shapes and has come up with helmets that accommodate various shapes. 

Shop around for the helmet

Now that you have the right measurements and the shape of your head, you can now hit the market in search of the right gear. Look for the one that goes with the size and shape of your head. Some helmets only have large, small and medium sizes while some explicitly tell you the circumference that they go with. Check the helmets sizing chart and match your head size with the right helmet.

Ensure a correct fit

When it comes to getting the right fit for helmets, there is always room for error. With that in mind, it is good to try on the helmet. Even though you may have used the sizing chart, you may not get the right fit for your head. The only way to get the right fit is by trying on the helmet. Always make sure that the helmet does not slip up or down when on your head.

Chinstrap and the cheek pads

When buying a helmet for the first time, you may not have an idea of what to check out for. The right size and fit are crucial in achieving the proper safety and comfort. The first features to check are the cheek pads which are supposed to touch your cheeks. However, they should not press their cheeks tightly. If you fit the chin strap properly, you will prevent the helmet from moving sideways and be displaced in an accident.


A fitting helmet will offer a safer and comfortable ride. If you don’t have a well-fitting helmet, you may experience pains that lead to destruction and may not protect you in a crash. Follow the above guide and get a well-fitting helmet and hit the road with joy for years to come.

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